Sunday, April 6, 2014

April - Pie Night

April 5th

I love love love PIES
But alas, no photos, I'm getting so bad at remembering to take photos which is such a shame as this was a great food night. We had everything from shepherds pies to apple pies. Oh well, hopefully I remember the camera next month - should do it's at my place ha ha!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March - Turkish Night

March 8th

Although I was looking forward to this night very much I must say the food wasn't to my liking - which is a bit sad as I plan to go to Turkey later this year for a holiday so here's hoping the Turkish food in turkey tastes much better than Turkish food in Australia lol!

A very Turkish feel to Kirstys wonderful presentation


Sunday, February 16, 2014

February - Male Cooks Night

February 15th
Now I believe all the ladies will agree with me here when I say this was by far the best night of our themed dinners, because of course, it was hosted by the men in our group. We all got the night (and day) off as our men cooked (or in some cases I suspect bought) dinner.
And not only was it a good night because we didn't have to cook but because the food was really good. The guys were both happy and unhappy with the end result. Happy because they spent the evening gloating about how good their food was and how easy it was, but that was a double edged sword as we now think this should be, at least, an annual event - then they weren't so happy lol!

The food varied from prawns on the barbie, to a roast cooked in a camp oven and they even made golden syrup dumplings for dessert. It was really good food.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

January - Australian Night

January 18th

As last years themed January dinner was a wash out because of the bad weather we decided that another Australian day themed dinner was called for and what a great night it was, so good in fact that I didn't even think of taking any photos.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

December - Xmas Drinks

December 7th

What a great night we had, just so sorry that a few from the group missed it. A fun night out without the kids

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November - Halloween Night

November 9th

I know it's only been 2 weeks since our last get together but we just can't get enough of each other lol! This month was my turn to host and I have been planning this one since about April (when a huge box of Halloween decorations landed on my lap). I had a lot help from Remi and Enora from France who had some great creative ideas for the set up and I think they all worked very well, judge for yourselves..........................




Inside looked just as good as outside, the bathroom was my favourite. I just love the guy hanging in the shower.

Once everything was set up the guests started to arrive with the food and that's when it the fun really began. 1st we have the guests themselves, everyone made such a great effort. Here they are.
And not only did they bring themselves dressed as various monsters and all things Halloween but their food was just as inventive......................





I think it was the best party yet but then again I was the host lol!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

October - Picnic Races

October 26th

Ok we went and did something a little different for this one. I thought "why not get together as a family but somewhere other than our homes" so we went to the  races and what a good choice that turned out to be. It was a great day all round.



I think we looked very smart on the day but I do think that our children looked even smarter than we did, don't you agree?

By the way, there are no photos of food, not because I forgot but because we couldn't take any (or so we thought). The next one will be even more organized and we'll take our own picnic lunch